With the ebook of Lorraine Olive you will a complete Healing Reiki Course which will reveal how to remove stress from your body using secret healing reiki techniques. You will find out how to take control of your health and have an improvement of quality of your life. Pronounced ray-kee, the word Reiki comes from two Japanese words: rei, wisdom of God (or simply the “Higher Power”) and ki, life force energy. The two words together mean: a spiritually guided energy. According to Reiki the life force energy flowing in our bodies influences our will to live and enjoy the goodness of life. When that force is high, we are healthly and full of vitality. If it is low we become sick and stressed. With Reiki the hands are used to transfer the energy...

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Samstag, 16. Juni 2007

Reiki Healing Courses At The Reiki Council

The Reiki Council is a nationally recognized, multi-faceted organization
dedicated to the advancement of the Reiki System of Natural Healing
and the understandings of body-mind-spirit health.
They are an International Membership Organization for Reiki Practitioners.
The Reiki Council is an education center committed to providing exceptional learning programs for practitioners of natural therapies and the general public.
Many are the publishers who release books, art prints, educational materials, etc.
It is also the exclusive, world-wide governing body for the Reiki-ssage® System of Natural Healing and the Certification of practitioners and instructors; the exclusive, world-wide governing body for the Reiki-ReflexTM System of Reflexology and the Certification of practitioners and instructors; the exclusive, world-wide governing body for the Reiki FaceliftTM System and the Certification of practitioners and instructors.
The Reiki Council is affordable for anyone who wants to become an expert or only wants to know some concepts of Reiki.
Many Reiki Healing Courses are organized by the Reiki Council.

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